Arrived 2020

Dear Blog

What can I say, the year 2019 has been with its disappointment, its hardships and overall a downright disaster.

What do you want me to say. Do you want me to lie and pretend that its was glorious despite it being a disaster; find the silver lining and all.
The truth is finding the silver lining hasn’t been easy and if you do find it, please send it my way.
Cause I have gone crazy looking for it to the point that I’m down with tonsillitis pushing my way through 31 Dec 2019 to 1st Jan 2020.

(Disclaimer: If you the reader found this dissapointing and thinking loser who is complaining, guess what my blog my vent, you are most welcome to exit now. But, I know you will stay put cause finding someone else struggling with life, makes you feel good about yours.)

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A walk with Nostalgia

Dear Blog
I Know I have neglected you, ignored you and put you aside for more than a year. You have patiently stood the test of time and waited for my return, and for that I’m grateful. I have written not much but mostly on makeup and some food and you must think, what is there to be grateful about.

Well let me tell you that you store not only of what I wrote but also memories which I did’nt pen down with those events or things. How did this become important you ask?

It all started a fortnight ago when I woke up from a nostalgic dream where I was still at college, a student zipping around on my scooter and living in Pune, my beloved city. That feeling of nostalgia and longing did not end when I woke up, but carried through with me as I went about my day.

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The New Year

Its 1st of Jan 2018, a new year has begun, the 1st day and I’m hopeful that this year brings in more positivity. Hope such a powerful emotion, something which drives the world, something which can carry you on. I’m not sure where this blog is headed either but that is the beauty of having … Continue reading The New Year